This is my personal mandala. It is from early 2005.
Mandala: circle, community, connection
consciousness of seeing
consciousness of hearing
consciousness of tasting
consciousness of smelling
consciousness of the body
consciousness of thinking
consciousness of the I
basic consciousness
(come from the four outer circles of the mandala [8 tombs])
Diamond: symbol of nature of the mind, clear but shows all colors
lotus: roots in the mud, blossoms toward light
Bell: emptiness, boundless openness, gives room for wisdom
mandalas radiate outward and inward--flower, snail shells, atoms, sliced fruit
[a cell is greater than the sum of its parts]
microcosm: community or unity that is an epitome of a larger unity
macrocosm: a complex that is a large scale reproduction of one of its constituents
- a mandala is the microcosm and the macrocosm; actual moment in time
-synthesis of distinctive elements in a unified scheme representing the basic nature of existence (for personal growth)
Spiral: perpetual motion of life, spring like coils, latent power, presenting a picture of life as an endless evolutionary process bound with cycles of time, each loop brings us back to the same place, but takes us to a higher, more evolved level
White: Delusion of ignorance becomes wisdom of reality
Yellow: Delusion of pride becomes wisdom of sameness
Red: delusion of attachment becomes wisdom of discernment
Blue: delusion of anger becomes wisdom of mirror-like wisdom
The center of the mandala is the essence (is the heart)
all of our experiences can be enlightening; world is interdependent, seeing the everyday world through the joy of realization
Center: copulating couple
- union of form and emptiness that underlies all of reality
-fusion of compassion and wisdom in the awakened mind
-ordinary bliss of the orgasm
(extolled as a widow to underlying/fundamental mind of pure being)
[in the moment of orgasm we drop our baggage and move away from the dominance of conceptual thought--sexual bliss as a vehicle for opening the mind]
let disturbances come and go, more grist for the mill
"Falling in love is a mystical time of ego dissolution" -Freud
Our culture with its aggressive promulgation of sexuality has difficulty cultivating the more subtle but powerful energy of passionate intimacy
hook, lasso, chain, bell: summoning, tying, binding, intoxicating
passion is a vehicle for containing the incendiary mix of anger and desire
complete attunement has a suffocating effect/attraction based in otherness and difference as much as it depends on recurrent harmony or satisfaction
"It is only when two people forget themselves in each others presence that they can recognize each other"
Wisdom emerges in the space around words as much as the wisdom itself
a mind that is already full can not take in anything new, full of opinions and preconceptions, in order to find happiness empty yourself, happiness comes from letting go
according the to Dalai Lama seeking happiness is the purpose of life
We are looking for a way to feel more real, to feel more real we have to push ourselves further into the unkown
The inner place where the golden spiral ends is sometimes called the eye of god
1.0 to 1.61803... is called the DIVINE proportion, PHI
lotus petals would be arranged at 0.618034 petals per turn--best possible exposure for the flower
emptiness is an understandig of ones true nature, an intuition of the absence of inherent identity
Nature vs Nurture
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