In 2005 I had an assignment to create an installation piece within two blocks of our Art Foundation building. I gathered a bunch of sticks and leaves, created an anatomically correct skeleton, and buried it in a creepy alley. Two ladies were driving by when I buried it. They stopped the car and started screaming at me. Then they got out of the car all freaking out, saying they thought I was burying a real body. I held my hands above my head and said, "It's ok, I'm an art student!"

This one was done in February of 2008. It's an illustration of a dream I had. In the dream I was taking a shower. At first, I didn't realize it was a dream. I was kinda zoned out watching the water stream off of me. I could feel the heat of the water. Everything seemed very real. But then my stomach started to hurt really bad and I doubled over in pain. A snake began to come out of my bell button, and then went down my leg and into the drain. At the moment the snake's tail left my belly button blood started gushing out and I got dizzy and passed out. When I woke up I was actually in the shower.

This is an Egon Shiele style self portrait. Not much else to say about that. I think it was from 2006.

The assignment for this was to illustration "One is not half of two, two is half of one." Being the geek I am, I thought DNA!

This one is also about a dream. I had an itching feeling and I kept scratching, but couldn't satisfy it. Eventually I ended up ripping open my chest and my heart started to strangle me. Self set-up.

For this I had to take a photo illustrating "It was the best of times, It was the worst of times."

My Logo

Also super old, a photocollage/painting type deal.
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