
Beats antique

<a href="http://beatsantique.bandcamp.com/album/contraption-ep-vol-i-2">Oriental Uno (feat. Fanfara Kalashnikov) by beats antique</a>



I have another blog!


This will be a more professional blog, though. About Biomedical Visualization. YAY.


Geekiest/Awesomest magnets!

Available Here!

Instead of having nonsensical magnets holding your photos onto your fridge...use these! I love it. I absolutely love it.


The Cat Piano

The Cat Piano from PRA on Vimeo.

Narrated by Nick Cave.

I Got Opinions:



Medical Visualization Project 1

This project was pretty simple: Draw an anterior view of the shoulder girdle showing the coracoacromial ligament, acromioclavicular ligament, and coracoclavicular ligament. Draw a posterior view of the shoulder showing supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor.

I need to get a better scanner :(.


Diana Wagner

Is really awesome. Among many other things, she makes jewelry. And now she has an Etsy Shop!

Check her out here!
She is also one of the founders of : STUFF

Wants it...

Salt n' Pepper Bones


Hey there, Little Red Riding Hood

From Drawn!

The was done by some swedish dude named Tomas Nilsson, whose website is not currently working. It reminds me a lot of the way Chris Ware's comics work.


I'm going to meet this guy in October

This year at the Frank Armitage Lecture at UIC:


Mucca Pazza!

After an ENTIRE DAY of studying anatomy I needed a break. So, I stopped by the Bottom Lounge and saw this wonderful group of musicians:

It was a combination of theatrics, music, and sheer geekery (is that a word?) At first, I felt scared by all the marching band costumes. It brought back nightmares from high school, since I was forced against my will to be a member of the marching band and play the clarinet. Once I got over that though, it was great. It was packed, everyone was dancing, lots of audience participation, they weaved in and out of the audience...

So NEXT summer I'll be here for:

Tour de Fat!

They are coming for your flesh and blood!

Aaaaaaahhhhh! Claymation guts EVERYwHErE!


In Sleep


In sleep we lie all naked and alone
In sleep we are united at the heart of night and darkness
and we are strange and beautiful asleep
For we are dying the darkness
And we know no death.

-Thomas Wolfe


Bow chica wow wow

Ok, so maybe this isn't that amazing to anyone else, but it is my first 3-D model and I'm pretty excited about it. I guess its kinda hard to see the detail in this tiny little video, too.


Dead Animals

Found this little guy outside of my friends house. He doesn't even look REAL. I couldn't resist that face. I need to start carrying around a camera more often for opportunities such as this one.


A few bowls

Sometimes I do things that have nothing to do with other things.

Like make bowls with chicken feet

And bowls with ceramic "feet"

And bowls with people feet.

And today is slaughterama. And I got into grad school!


Stay in bed float upstream


I'm starting something new for honors studio. It is going to be a series of images about sleep. To get myself in the mood i listened to some radiolab:
One Eye Open
It's a dangerous world out there, with predators always lurking. So what on earth would give every single animal in the kingdom the gumption to think it could lay itself down each day, let down its defenses, and go to sleep? Well, turns out that many species might not be as "out cold" as land mammals. We join Charles Amlaner and Steven Lima and their team at Indiana University who show us iguanas sleeping only half their brain at a time. That’s right. They sleep with one eye open. (Cue the Metallica). That way, the iguana can watch for predators, as the other half of its brain takes a rest.

While these creatures stay half awake to protect themselves, for humans, the dangers of sleep can come from within. We visit the Hennepin County Sleep Lab, where Dr. Carlos Schenck shows us some of the most terrifying sleep disorders around.


lil bit more



I still have a lot I want to do with this painting. I had the worst critique of my life on it, though.


Progress on Kelly's painting:


This is my studio.


And here is a closer shot of the painting. I have a lot of work to do!


What is the plural of still life?



That mysterious green thing is a piece of broccoli that was really wilted by the time I was done, and a crab and bay leaves. I'm not a huge fan of still lifes (lives?) but I had to do it for my portfolio. I gotta get on drawings some more hands too. blllluuuuub!


Study for a painting


This image will be incorporated, along with other elements into a 2'x3' painting. It is small, but if you click on it, it should take you to my flickr page. Ciao.



love this song:

I'm not crazy about anime, but I think its a good match for the song.


9 and Coraline

Watch this:

Tim Burton is making this into a movie which should be pretty cool...as long as he doesn't mess it up like he did with Charlie and the Chocolate factory.

I just watched Coraline 3-D and it was awesome.

'Coraline': Making the most of 3D

Selick describes this scenario as "Alice in Wonderland" meets "Hansel and Gretel." Moviegoers might recognize more than a little bit of "The Wizard of Oz."

It took several years for the filmmakers to come up with their own version of sepia-tone Kansas and Technicolor Oz. Selick took the unpublished manuscript of the book to Bill Mechanic, a producer of the movie, who had worked with him on past films.

Initially Mechanic thought "Coraline" would be live action too, but Selick's push for animation prevailed. Still, Mechanic said he considered stop motion "kind of passe" and cast around for ways to make it "showier." He suggested that half the movie be shot in stop motion and the other half in CGI.

But the alternative reality, in Mechanic's words, "didn't really do the wow"; it didn't look special enough for Coraline to want to stay, or for audiences to be impressed. That's when 3-D, which had only recently become technically viable thanks to better technology and more comfortable glasses, came into the picture.

But with the entire movie now in 3-D, Selick and his colleagues still needed to find a way to make the alternative world stand out, literally. Selick's solution was to flatten the colors and "crush" the sets in the real world. Coraline's bedroom, the kitchen, the apartments upstairs and down: All these locations were compressed through the use of forced perspective and sets pitched forward toward the camera. For the alternative reality, the colors were deepened, the sets built out and the 3-D cranked up.


On the Subject of Disappearing Cats

     "I believe you are entering a phase in your life in which many different things will occur. The disappearance of your cat is only the beginning."
     "Different things," I said. "Good things or bad things?"
     She tilted her head in thought. "Good things and bad things. Bad things that seem good at first and good things that seem bad at first."
     "To me, that sounds very general," I said. "Don't you have any more concrete information?"
     "Yes, I suppose what I am saying does sound very general said Malta Kano. "But after all, Mr. Okada, when one is speaking of the essence of things , it often happens that one can only speak in generalities. Concrete things certainly do command attention, but they are often little more than trivia. Side trips. The more one tries to see into the distance, the more generalized things become.
     I nodded silently--without the slightest inkling of what she was talking about.
     "Do I have permission to call you again?" she asked.
     "Sure," I said, though in fact I had no wish to be called by anyone. "Sure" was about the only answer I could give.
     She snatched her red vinyl hat from the table, took the handbag that had been hidden beneath it, and stood up. Uncertain as to how I should respond to this, I remained seated.
     "I do have one small bit of information that I can share with you," Malta Kano said, looking down at me, after she had put on her red hat.
     " You will find your polka-dot tie, but not in your house."

[From The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle]


Comic Theory

Explained by Scott McCloud:

For a basic painting class we were required to read his book "Understanding Comics." It seemed unrelated at first, but it is a fantastic book, even if you don't THINK you like comics.


Sweet Dreams

This is insane. I mean, a cupcake and butternut squash? Put yo wrapper back on you crazy cupcake!

"Sweet Dreams" by Kirsten Lepore
Music by Kirsten, Chelsea, and Megan Lepore



Death to the Tinman

Watch Death to the Tinman in Entertainment Videos  |  View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com

Meat Puppet, or man of tin with a heart of gold? This is a really cool re imagining of the Tinwoodsman of Oz. Sweeeeeet.


Are you hungry? I haven't eaten since later this afternoon.

This is a trailer for the movie Primer. I definitely recommend it.

If you always want what you can't have, what do you want when you can have anything?


A Lovely Sunday Night

Last night was pretty awesome. I went to Gallery 5 to see the "Dirt Cheap Opera" put on by Bread and Puppet. After that I went to go see Accordion Death Squad,
Skeletonbreath, and Horror Show Hot Club. I've seen Accordion Death Squad a few times and they are awesome, but I had never seen Skeleton Breath and it was a great surprise. It was really high energy gypsy metal type stuff.


Accordion Death Squad









Crazy Drawing

I drew this a few months ago, and never got around to finishing it, but I scanned it in and I think I'm going to mess around with it in Photoshop for fun.


Also, I'm super excited because I started learning HTML. Just a little bit, but I look forward to understanding it more and being able to do fancy things.


Espinazo del Diablo

"What is a ghost? A tragedy condemned to repeat itself time and again? An instant of pain, perhaps. Something dead which still seems to be alive. An emotion suspended in time. Like a blurred photograph. Like an insect trapped in amber."

Why do I watch these movies late at night when I'm all alone? This, as well as most Guillermo del Toro stuff (e.g. Pan's Labyrinth) was beautiful and chilling. I like the historical background they both have, with the innocent child protagonist and similarities to fairy tales.

"unlike a maze, a labyrinth is actually a constant transit of finding, not getting lost. It’s about finding, not losing, your way. That was very important for me. It is a place where you do sharp turns and you can have the illusion of being lost, but you are always doing a constant transit to an inevitable center. That’s the difference. A maze is full of dead ends, and a labyrinth may have the illusion of having a dead end, but it always continues."

"There are fairy tales that are created to instill fear in children, and there are fairy tales that are created to instill hope and magic in children. I like those. I like the anarchic ones. I like the crazy ones. And, I think that all of them have a huge quotient of darkness because the one thing that alchemy understands, and fairy tale lore understands, is that you need the vile matter for magic to flourish. You need lead to turn it into gold. You need the two things for the process. So when people sanitize fairy tales and homogenize them, they become completely uninteresting for me.”


It's raining leprocy and acid...

Last night I went to Gallery 5 and saw Jason Webley. This was one of my favorite songs he played, though its a video from some other show:

He's from Seattle. Boy would I love to get serenaded by him on a river boat.


In progress...

I haven't finished this yet, and I need to take some better shots of it, but I'm happy with where it is going.


